Brand Identity
The Challenge
JME needed a website as innovative as the projects in which it invests, but at the same time reliable as expected from an investment fund and easy to understand for its users.

It's not just any old thing
For this website we proposed to start from an essential message for JME: "Investing early in anything is not just anything". A way of expressing the brand's agility when it comes to finding entrepreneurial projects to invest in, regardless of their origin.
But this website has a surprise element. When the user hovers over the header, the cursor displays images of the various sectors in which JME invests, showing with images the diversity of the fund's portfolio.
Less is more
Minimalism was essential in the rest of the website. Just a few abstract shapes serve as decoration, focusing the user's attention on the important messages: JME's features, the team and the dozens of projects in which they have participated. Projects that are managed through a CMS so that the company's portfolio is always up to date.