Brand Identity
The Challenge
From the hand of the agency Officer & Gentleman Spain, we were challenged to support, manage and produce a complete soccer kit that would be present in an action at the UK's largest annual Pride parade, Brighton and Hove Pride 2019.

An efficient team as an added value.
Following the graphic lines set by Officer & Gentleman Spain, thanks to our management, production and logistics capacity, we managed in less than 2 weeks to produce, in workshops in Spain, more than 2,000 garments of the complete kit (shirt, pants and socks) and transfer them to Brighton, UK, so they could be used during the action of the Pride parade.
Be part of the success
Paddy Power is a reference in the fight against homophobia in sport and together with the action carried out, Proud United, by Office and mather during Pride 2019 in Brighton, they wanted to give a voice to all those LGBTQ athletes who are changing the perception about homosexuality and sport. This action was awarded a Cannes Lion Outdoor Lions 2019 and we were there being a part of the process.